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Awards and ScholarshipThe Maryland Chiefs of Police Association honors officers and security professionals each year at our annual conference. The attached nomination forms have specific criteria for the “Medal of Honor”, “Traffic Safety” and the “Exceptional Performance” awards as well as our “Scholarship” requirements. The category breakdown listed below applies for the” Exceptional Police Performance” and “Traffic Safety” awards but will not apply to the “Medal of Honor”, “Exceptional Police Performance Unit Award” or “Exceptional Performance by a Private Security Professional” award. Please note that the categories are determined by an agency’s sworn complement only, not the total complement of both sworn and civilian. **Please Note the deadline for this years award submission: May 15, 2024**
(For actions taken during the calendar year 2023) Commentary: This award is designed to recognize exceptional work in police patrol, traffic or investigative activities. This would include designing and implementing new or improved operational strategies or tactics that solve crimes, apprehend criminals, recover stolen property or enhance public safety. To recognize a Maryland area Security Officer who excelled in the discharge of their duties by taking exemplary on-duty action to protect life and/or property. Eligibility: Any individual working in a paid position, directly and primarily responsible for providing security-related services to persons and/or property. Law enforcement officers and Security Administrators are not eligible for this award. Criteria: The successful candidate will:
• A security officer who is well rounded • A security officer who has exceeded above and beyond the duty requirements of his/her position • A security officer who exemplifies the virtues of professionalism and dedication • A security officer who has demonstrated a distinct pattern of customer and community service above and beyond assigned duty requirements Traffic Safety Award (One Award Recipient per Category Selected Each Year) Criteria: This award is conferred upon a police officer who has made substantial contributions towards traffic safety. The award is not based solely on enforcement numbers, but on purpose driven enforcement that answers an identified community issue through a mixture of enforcement, commitment and educational efforts.
Categories: A – Police agencies with a sworn compliment of more than 125 officers. B – Police agencies with a sworn compliment of 26-125 officers. C – Police agencies with a sworn compliment of 1-25 officers. Commentary: The award is designed to recognize exceptional traffic enforcement efforts, including: traffic enforcement conducted, criminal arrests from traffic stops (Looking Beyond the License Plate) and an officer’s clear demonstration of a commitment to traffic safety. That commitment may be demonstrated via the following criteria: 1. Involvement in educating other officers and/or the public on traffic safety. 2. Initiating and/or participating in traffic safety programs. 3. Exceptional Overall Enforcement efforts. 4. Problem solving or administrative projects that make a substantial contribution to traffic safety. 5. Any combination of the above factors. SCHOLARSHIP OPPORTUNITIES ________________________________________ Maryland Chiefs of Police Association Scholarship Award To be awarded for the Fall Semester of 2024 Each year the Maryland Chiefs of Police Association offers a Scholarship Award opportunity to full-time post-secondary education students enrolled or planning to enroll in a law enforcement curriculum. Residents of the State of Maryland between the ages of 17 and 21 may compete for this prestigious $500.00 scholarship award. Selection of the scholarship recipients will be based on scholastic achievement and community/school involvement. (All scholarship funds will be directed to a college or trade school and not to the individual.) Completed applications must be returned to a sponsoring local Police Chief for review and signature. The Chief must then forward the application to me, in my role as the Awards Committee Chairman, no later than May 15, 2024 to be considered for the upcoming school year. Eligible nominations will be reviewed by the Awards Committee and one or more winners will be selected. The award notice will be mailed to the scholarship winner(s) and a formal award presentation will be made to the recipient by the nominating Chief. If you have any questions regarding the Scholarship Award, please feel free to contact me at (410) 313-4767. Sincerely, Captain Michael Yetter Howard County Police Department MCPA Awards Committee Chairman NOMINATION FORMS 2023 MEDAL OF HONOR AWARD NOMINATION 2023 Exceptional Performance AWARD NOMINATION 2023 Traffic Safety AWARD NOMINATION 2024 Scholarship AWARD NOMINATION |